Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Ordinary Day in February

Just a regular day with William. Grocery shopping, nursing, folding laundry, washing diapers. I know it won't always be like this, peaceful and serene. Most days our house is loud and bright, but today was different. William was on the quiet side (his newest tooth is bothering him), and we spent the day crawling, reading, and enjoying the slightly gray view outside our windows.

He's eating PLAIN greek yogurt (siiiick). I'm so proud of him.
I'm knitting a hat for William for next winter. Yes, next winter. That's how long it takes me to finish things like this.
Diaper washing day. If you use cloth diapers, too, you know why I have a Mrs. Meyer's candle lit.
Laundry, laundry everywhere.

He just can't help himself.

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